
DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.


the representative of a riding (def. 1) in a provincial house of assembly.

See: riding(def. 1)


I shall attent on Monday . . . at the Government Buildings, at the Town of York, and proceed to the election of one Knight to represent the said County Riding and County in the said House of Assembly.
And whereas by a Certain Writ under the Great Seal of Upper Canada, by me received, I am thereby directed to Cause one Knight, girt with a Sword, the most fit and discreet, to be freely and indifferently chosen to represent the said County Riding and County in Assembly, by those who shall be present at the day of Election.
The reader will therefore scarce wonder, that four knights, girt with swords, should be found necessary in the 19th century, to guard the interests of the hardy yeomanry who are settled upon its Western banks.